About Us
Our mission
The Overbeck-Museum is a vibrant house for art and people – hospitable, inspiring, committed to preserving and communicating the values of art.
We want to inspire people to think and discuss: about art, but also about ourselves and our place in the world.
Because that is what art can do – and much more.
A House for Art and People
Dedicated and Friendly
A Wide Range of Cultural Offers
The core of our collection is the artistic legacy of the painter couple Fritz and Hermine Overbeck. It consists of oil paintings, drawings, etchings, watercolours, gouaches and photographs. The extended collection also includes letters, private photographs, documents and objects (painting utensils, furniture and books) of the painter couple. The Overbeck-Museum’s mission is to make this collection accessible to the public through temporary exhibitions and, where possible, to support exhibitions in other museums with loans.
The team of the Overbeck-Museum treats all works of art with care and expertise in order to preserve them for future generations. In storage as well as presentation we are committed to high standards in terms of conservation and security.
The research of the Overbeck-Museum is dedicated to the life and work of Fritz and Hermine Overbeck. Related topics, such as the artists’ colony of Worpswede or the situation of women in the arts around 1900, are also focussed on. The results of our research are made public in exhibitions, publications and lectures. Research by third parties is welcomed and encouraged.
Changing exhibitions present the collection in different ways, according to the respective focus, and contrast it with other artistic positions from the past and present. The choice of artists and themes depends on whether insightful parallels link them to the work of Fritz and Hermine Overbeck. Thus, all exhibitions offer new perspectives on our collection.
Learn & Explore
The Overbeck-Museum considers itself to be a place of encounter and exchange. Here, everyone can experience art, talk to others and actively contribute to cultural life. We want to inspire people and allow for reflection and new ideas, thus providing a confrontation not only with the arts but also with oneself and the world at large. Our events invite you to develop your own approach to art under expert guidance, to question the known and to receive new impulses.
Our Team
Dr. Katja Pourshirazi
Claudia Sachau
Administration & Volunteer Management
Melanie Schmidt-Menguit, M.A.
Finn Völkel
Ulrike Börnsen
Kerstin Haack
Karl Ernst-Erben
Sabine Eicke
General Museum Work
With her warm, hands-on manner and attention to detail, she helped shape the Overbeck Museum for many years.
✝ 13 April 2022
Christian Omorczyk
General Museum Work
Brigitte Müller, M.A.
General Museum Work