Exhibition Opening
Opening of the exhibition
“Nordic wide”
Sunday, 9 February 202´5 at 11:30
Speaker: Dr. Katja Pourshirazi, director of the Overbeck-Museum.
The artists are present.
Guided Tours
to be announced
The vastness of Nordic landscapes has inspired painters for centuries. Bremen-based artists Lena Carstens and Martina Tams also depict the horizon, the high sky and the seemingly endless expanses of land and sea in their own unique way in their paintings.
Their sometimes realistic, sometimes almost abstract impressions are rooted in the attentive observation of an overpowering nature full of color nuances and richness of detail that the eye cannot get enough of.
Classic landscape paintings by Fritz and Hermine Overbeck from Worpswede and from the North Sea island of Sylt add another facet of North German vastness to the exhibition.