Titelbild Overbeck-Museum

Educational Projects


Target group: all ages
Start of project: 1.9.2019
End of project: ongoing

Project description

An audio guide for the Overbeck Museum – spoken by children and teenagers who decide for themselves what they want to say about the works of art. And not only in German: Bremen-Nord is rich in languages, and we want to make this richness resound in the Overbeck-Museum.

Who would like to talk about art in his/her mother tongue? What would you like to say about a painting of your choice? We are curious to know!

Informationen für Lehrkräfte und Pädagogen
Förderer & Kooperationspartner des Projekts

Overbeck opp platt

Target group: 4th grade pupils
Start of project: September 2022
End of project: June 2023

Project description

An audio guide to Fritz and Hermine Overbeck by children – in Low German (Plattdeutsch)! A language that might not have been foreign to the painter couple 120 years ago.
The Schönebeck elementary school has been a partner of the Overbeck Museum for many years and offers the pupils Low German as a focal point. This is how the project “Audioguide opp platt” came about, which accompanied classes 4a and 4b through the last school year. A total of twelve texts on paintings and the lives of Fritz and Hermine Overbeck were written by the children, translated by the Low German Association and recorded in Low German by the pupils.

On 1 June 2023 at 10.00 a.m., the new audio guide was officially presented and is now available to all visitors.

Informationen für Lehrkräfte und Pädagogen
Förderer & Kooperationspartner des Projekts


Target group: 7-9 years
Start of project: February 2023
End of project: June 2023

Project description

For several months, Thursdays have been noisy, cheerful and colourful at the Overbeck-Museum. Not only do the paintings on the walls bring colour into the building, but above all a group of children from the Grohn Children’s and Family Centre makes this a vibrant place. Together with dance teacher Anna Jäger, the girls and boys of primary school age are practising a hip-hop choreography and developing their own moves – inspired by the surrounding artworks.

On 25 May 2023 at 3 p.m. the children presented their dance with art – in the midst of the exhibition.
The project is a cooperation between the Overbeck-Museum, the Grohn Children’s and Family Centre and Neue Wolle Blumenthal and is supported by the German Museums Association and Kultur macht stark.

Informationen für Lehrkräfte und Pädagogen
Förderer & Kooperationspartner des Projekts

The Overbeck Museum is sponsored by:

Logo of Karin und Uwe Hollweg Stiftung
Logo of Heinz und Ilse Bühnen-Stiftung
Logo of Waldemar Koch Stiftung
Logo of Waldemar Koch Stiftung

Willy Lamotte Stiftung

Logo of Bremer Schuloffensive